

NegotiationAssistance can provide individuals or group training that is either conducted in person or virtually. NegotiationAssistance will work together with you to create the negotiation training that your team needs. We can modify our proprietary templates and checklists to enhance your current polices and procedures, to focus in on your clients or suppliers and develop you and your team into knowledgeable negotiators that understand how to create value and achieve the results that you need.

Our methodology will focus on real world examples of negotiation scenarios – we’ll use situations that you or your company experience frequently or industry ‘similar’ examples. We will cover all of the conceptual and philosophical elements of negotiations and then run real-time mock negotiations to apply the learning, obtain the experience and gain comfort at the table. Our belief is that the more experience you have putting the elements together in a negotiation scenario, the more comfortable and successful you will be when you do it yourself. 


  1. Learn decades worth of conceptual, philosophical and real-world experiences in the classroom setting
  2. Obtain contemporary approaches and thoughts from today’s top negotiators
  3. Develop specific strategies for your industry or company and modify the NegotiationAssistance methodology to fit best for you and your scenarios.
  4. Learn about the psychological aspects of negotiations – find out why you feel the way you do, how to control those feelings and use them to your advantage.
  5. Discover ways to communicate, both orally and written to prepare for and set up your negotiation.
  6. Find the ways that we can create value and expand the negotiation envelope
  7. Develop techniques to utilize away from the negotiation table
  8. Explore contractual documents, terms and conditions, limitations of liability, intellectual property rights, warranty and more – how to ensure that contractually these elements are properly accounted for and will be enforceable, if ever required.
  9. Structure relationships with CRM and SRM techniques
  10. Next steps in the partnership and relationships – once the negotiation is done, how do we proceed and what are the lessons learned from the negotiation to use in the relationship going forward.

Remember, we know no two negotiations are the same, so we will work together in advance to structure the training so that it is directly and immediately useful for you and your team. You will practice real world examples from your industry and your company, so you’ll be able to apply those strategies right away!