

Negotiation Assistance is focused on working with clients that are in or preparing for a challenging negotiation. Our services can be completely customized to your situation, because we know that every negotiation is unique.  Our value creation methodology has been proven to expand the negotiation envelope and allow for more value to be accessed by both parties. We believe that finding the value for each party is how both parties achieve success.

Our President, Nate Rynas has been negotiating complex contracts and relationships for over 25 years. His guidance and expertise in all elements of negotiations are the foundation of Negotiation Assistance.  Nate’s negotiated contracts from the hundreds of millions of dollars to zero-dollar contractual liability deals. He’s mentored and led buying and selling teams, taught and guided strategy development of negotiations and managed customer and supplier relationships achieving amazing results and increasing company profitability. His experience and knowledge of value creating negotiations is our foundation and why we can help you ‘Get Your Fair Share’

Each one of our client experiences is held in complete confidentiality. We are experienced in discreet communications and resolution of matters that only those that need to know will ever know. Our coaching, mentoring, advice and counseling can be conducted to the point of nobody ever knowing we were involved, only you, our client.

Contact us for a free 15-minute consultation. Let us show you how you can ‘Get Your Fair Share’

Brief Examples:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a mandate that was provided by the United States Government that all ‘Essential Workers’ continue to work through the quarantined. During this time, a number of industry partners were unable to stay open and continue to work due to human resource availability. We focused in on these key individual suppliers and negotiated contractual means for them to reopen, begin manufacturing and continuing to support production.

With innovative and value creating negotiation strategies, we’ve negotiated greater than $500 million international contracts for commercial products in energy facility manufacturing. By bringing three world renown companies together, we were able to achieve significant savings for the engineering company that need the materials, provide contracts to both suppliers, expand the negotiation envelope to provide revenue generating and profitable business while keeping both suppliers active in the project. Historically the strategy would have been to run a strict competition and only award to the winner which sometimes hurts relationships with the other supplier, but we were able to achieve successful results for all three parties.

Extremely proprietary and sensitive new development of critically important electronic components that are currently shaping the way our military processes communication information.  We were able to craft an agreement that partnered with both our internal and external stakeholders to fund the project and allow for shared intellectual property that was a key ‘must have’ in this negotiation. We drove shared successes by getting funds to the supplier, who needed capital to invest and drive innovation, we saved significant money for the client and achieved both the budget requirements and the need to own the portion of the intellectual property that will allow for further engineering upgrades that would help not only the current customer, but any future military communications customer and ultimately our Warfighter.

Consulting with the sale of critically important components to a customer that our client had for decades. Due to volatility within the marketplace for a major component within the assembly, we had to increase pricing, which was difficult for our commercial customer to accept. We were able to build an agreement that allowed for buying three years of demand quantities, which drove down material pricing, we created value by working together to relax some less important engineering tolerances, update quality sampling rates, improved the warranty provisions and acceptance criteria and allowed for a more economical delivery rate. While the customer had to absorb a price increase, it was much smaller than if we had not opened the negotiation envelope and negotiated the multiple other areas. Both parties were successful in achieving the results they needed, while our client was able to increasing pricing and return to a profitable product line and the customer secured a Muli-year production source at a fair price.

These are just a few examples of how we have and can help you “Get Your Fair Share ™ ”