
Our services can be tailored to whatever you need, we can

  • Represent you in your negotiation and complete it for you – cradle to grave
  • Sit at the table with you and work together on a negotiation
  • Provide guidance and recommendations from the back room while you are negotiating
  • Build strategies for you to complete your negotiation
  • Provide in depth training for you to learn how to “Get Your Fair Share” ™

Additional benefits that NegotiationAssistance can provide:

  • Review and “redline” legal terms and conditions
  • Complete peer reviews and provide recommendations to contractual documents
  • Craft emails to clients or suppliers to help set up negotiation strategies
    • Utilization of our proprietary templates and checklists to ensure no detail is left uncovered
  • Provide step-by-step negotiation strategies for individuals to utilize during their negotiation
    • Also, those steps to take away from the table – which many times is the most important!
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) techniques to discover, build, nurture and create more value from these relationships
  • Individual or group negotiation training that can be conducted virtually or on-site
  • Advanced level negotiation mentorship
  • On site or virtual audits of your team’s negotiation strategies to help develop team negotiation abilities and skillsets